Santa Ana College News recently profiled our OC chapter and we just have to share the piece with you all.
Santa Ana College News recently profiled our OC chapter and we just have to share the piece with you all.
We love hearing why and how our chapters got started and as you'll see in the profile piece, with the OC chapter some parents got together to start the chapter for their children. They wanted to expose them to the local homeless community so the children would see that the people in need are normal people who have fallen on bad times. We couldn't be more proud of this group for taking the initiative to break down the stigma of homelessness early in their children.
The OC team holds monthly events at the 4th Street Market and distributes the lunches in Santa Ana. For the recipients of the lunches, the lunches are more than just what could possibly be the only healthy meal they'll receive all day. The love notes within are reminders that they aren't forgotten and are, more importantly, vessels of love. Per Robert Chang of #HashtagLunchbagOC: "There's a homeless person that's been collecting the notes that they've been getting every month and they have them posted in their tent. People really appreciate the notes."
Good work #HashtagLunchbagOC!! We love what you're doing!
Check out the profile piece.