We don't know if we convey it enough, how very proud of all of our #HashtagLunchbag city chapters and their organizers we are. Like, insanely proud.
So, when other folks or news outlets take notice, we feel thrilled that our hardworking cities and teams are getting the shine they totally deserve. It also makes us want to highlight them to you, like a proud parent. Look! See how amazing he/she/they are! Plus, that photo is cute, y'all.
With that in mind, we wanted to share our super organized, crazy coordinated and majorly diligent #HashtagLunchbag Detroit team who was recognized in Rolling Out over the holiday. It's a great piece and really speaks to what #HashtagLunchbag is all about. We can thank our Detroit team for that.
You guys are amazing and we hope you know how very much we appreciate you.