G2GLegacy Presents #Hashstaglunchbag-HTown
Posted by Dana Jenkins | On September 13, 2019
Wussup Houston!
Join us SATURDAY November 16, 2019 at Arka Art, located at 4715 Main St Houston TX 77002, as we launch G2G Legacy with #Hashtaglunchbag.
Lunchbag assembly starts at 10:30am.
HashtagLunchbag is a humanity service movement dedicated to empowering and inspiring humanity to reap the benefits of living through giving. We prepare and deliver bagged lunches, complete with a love note, as a vessel to spread love and hope to our homeless neighbors in need.
Our event is $10 per ticket. ALL PROCEEDS GO TOWARDS PURCHASING. Please sign up today and let us know you're coming!
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Either beat us there or meet us there,
Dana & Kris