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HashtagLunchbag Seattles October event

Hi all!!!! We are super excited to announce our date for Octobers HashTagLunchBag Seattle event at Art Marble 21 in South Lake Union! SO sign up donate your $10.00 and come join us as we contine to ROCK this city with love!!!

We are 100% donate based. It is important you prepay as this will allow us to gauge how much food we buy. The more people, the more lunch bags we get to donate, it's simple. :) 

Please arrive at 10:00 and check in before so you can get your job assignment. Assembly should be finished at the latest by 1pm, depending on how many lunches we're able to prepare. Afterwards, we will break up into small groups and distribute the lunch bags throughout the city. These neighborhoods include Capitol Hill, Belltown, Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square, International District, etc. 

We at Hashtaglunchbag Seattle feel we have to ability to help and raise awareness for other issues in the community. We try to include a differant cause to each months drive.. With all the sadness and tragedy that Haiti has seen and overcome, we felt it was right to set up a donation fund for anyone who would want to send some love to those effected. 

We also want to use this as all ways possible to help our community. Our weather is beautiful but its getting cold so let's brainstorm how else we can help those in need!!!! 

xo Justin and Karly 


October 29, 2017 at 10:00am - 1pm
Karly Burke


Suggested Donation

Make Donation $10.00 USD

Who's RSVPing

Josie Barton
Josie Barton

Will You Come?

NOTE: After RSVP, you will still need to purchase a ticket here

Showing 3 Reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Josie Barton
    rsvped +2 2017-10-26 12:21:22 -0700
  • Karly Burke
    is hosting. 2017-10-09 12:20:13 -0700
  • Karly Burke
    published this page in Join an Event 2017-10-09 12:20:13 -0700
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