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Haitian American HashtagLunchBag

Join L’union Suite & Junior Filsaime at John I Leonard Community High School. 
#HashtagLunchbag was started to provide an opportunity for people to serve the homeless in their community while having fun. Together, The Haitian-American Community will pack lunches to be distributed to the less fortunate in Palm Beach County. This is a great way to contribute your time to something fun & meaningful, while connecting with friends, and other Haitian-Americans in our communities. 

July 16, 2016 at 11:00am - 3pm
Wanda Tima

Suggested Donation

$10.00 USD

Who's RSVPing

Lynda Pierre-Fleurimond Jessica Saint Georges Esther Lande Stephanie Merisier Jenny Duprevil Vanesa Fields winie pluviose Rose Roger

Will You Come?

NOTE: After RSVP, you will still need to purchase a ticket

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