Some things should never repeat themselves. This is not one of those things.
Some things should never repeat themselves. This is not one of those things. For the second year in a row, Andrea, one of our OG's wives, collaborated with her super creative co-workers at AC Martin Partners, Inc. to help make some extra special lunch bags. Her company has a social responsibility program where they commit to working with 5-10 different organizations each year and thanks to Andrea #HashtagLunchbag has been able to be one of those featured partners. We couldn't be happier to have their support! They came to our most recent event with about 40 bags beautifully decorated and volunteers to join us for the day. Her husband continues to support us throughout the year with his beautifully crafted lunch bags. Definitely check him out on Instagram @DomNX_art.
We look at the lunches we hand out at vessels of love, and there's not a better looking vessel of love than these beautifully decorated bags. Many many thanks to Andrea, Dominic, and the team from AC Martin Partners, Inc. for making sure we are providing our recipients the most loving lunch package possible.