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HashtagLunchbag: Let's Spread 'Loaves' this Holiday Season!

It's that time again... Join us Saturday, November 12th for 8AM Assembly//10AM Distribution as we pack lunches then hit the streets of Charlotte to serve those in need.

A minimal monetary donation (even if you're unable to attend) of $10.00 will help cover food and supply costs, help making this event a success and even better than last year! If you are able to attend, all that is required are bright smiles, positive vibes and a red shirt to show our love. *This is a rewarding kid-friendly opportunity, one that they'll definitely enjoy!

Directions: 1016 North Davidson Street is located on the right side coming from E 11th Street, right after CATS Bus parking center.

November 12, 2016 at 8:00am - 11am
Kristen Gaines


Suggested Donation

Make Donation $10.00 USD

Who's RSVPing

Rachel Sutherland
Melitta Smith Rachel Sutherland Shara King

Will You Come?

NOTE: After RSVP, you will still need to purchase a ticket here

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