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Recently, students from St. Joseph's College Student Athlete Advisory Committee held a #HashtagLunchbag event. With what will hopefully be the first of many future events, the students made 60 lunches and distributed these vessels of love to a local women's shelter.





Recently, students from St. Joseph's College Student Athlete Advisory Committee held a #HashtagLunchbag event. With what will hopefully be the first of many future events, the students made 60 lunches and distributed these vessels of love to a local women's shelter.

For us, it's always exciting to see different groups in different communities host #HashtagLunchbag events to serve those in need. It's also super exciting to see people have great experiences and want to not only continue to do events but use the events as a platform to encourage those around them to start living through giving. In the words of sophomore Student-Athlete, Denise Trerotola: 

"I thought it was really great to see all the athletes from the different teams come together for this one specific cause. I also think it's important for the athletes, especially those in S.A.A.C., to give back to the community because we are one of the largest groups on campus. If other people see us volunteering, then they'll want to volunteer too. The most rewarding part for me is knowing that our small, selfless act definitely made a huge impact on the women at the shelter. I'm really looking forward to the next time I get to do something like this."

The experience also helped the students create awareness for what is going on in their community. 

"The experience of participating in #HashtagLunchbag was very enriching for me, as well as very humbling. It opened my eyes to a major issue that many people push aside. The issue is that there are many people very close to home in our communities who need food and the people at #HashtagLunchbag, along with those who support them, are the ones who are doing a great job in providing a solution. This was my first time taking part in something like this and I definitely want to make a habit out of it." - Alec Willis, S.A.A.C Treasurer

We love what you're doing guys! Keep up the good work and keep spreading that love on your campus and throughout your community! We can't wait to see what you create next.

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