Last month, the Atlanta Braves decided to get down with #HashtagLunchbag.
In doing so, Jan McCay and Janet Sevilla, created a #HashtagLunchbag event for their hard working staff. Including 18 Braves Gameday Staff Supervisors and 5 Braves Front Office Members, the group gathered together to make 300 lunches. Wearing their volunteer gear of Braves Give or Braves Care t-shirts, they went to work, assembling their meals and creating their bags using a Braves A and our official hashtag heart.
Staff Supervisor, Marlon Brown, shared this:
I committed 2016 to being more active in giving back of my time to various community service projects, so this was an opportunity to make good on that commitment. I truly enjoyed the experience as we prepared small sack lunches of chips, sandwiches, water and encouraging notes to pass out with Braves caps and bags to those at the homeless shelter...
In order to distribute the meals, they visited the Peachtree-Pine Homeless Shelter in Atlanta to drop off their vessels of love but before they could even make it inside, the need was so great they began passing out the meals in the streets leading up to the shelter.
Now that's the kind of powered by love game day mentality we can get behind! Janet, Jan and the participating Atlanta Braves staff, you did your team, your community and us so proud. Thank you for being a part of #HashtagLunchbag!